Industry momentum for Healthie’s marketplace has exceeded expectations for app developers since launch in Q2 2024

October 7, 2024
Industry momentum for Healthie’s marketplace has exceeded expectations for app developers since launch in Q2 2024

Healthie’s app marketplace “The Harbor” launched in Q2 2024 leveraging Partner Fleet. Healthie’s customers are loving the integrations built by app developers, and third-party developers are appreciating a frictionless & scalable experience to provide win-win-win outcomes for healthcare providers. 

Healthie’s Harbor has outpaced performance expectations during the first year of launch, including across: 

  • New vendors joining Healthie’s Harbor
  • Number of “matches made” between app developers and Healthie customers
  • Reported experience of Healthie’s third-party partners building against Healthie’s API to support Healthie customers. 

These results underscore the value of Healthie & its partners building collaborative solutions to support customers, and the app marketplace’s impact in driving user interaction and generating high-quality leads.

An introduction to Healthie: A Modern, API-First ONC Certified EHR

Healthie has been building its EHR since 2016 to facilitate collaborative, virtual-first, and longitudinal care. Healthie’s API-first platform (built on GraphQL) uniquely enables third-party companies to have a modern, efficient developer experience to support clinicians at scale. As a result, healthcare clinicians can leverage (a growing number of) third-party companies seamlessly within their Healthie app experience, creating personalized, effective patient experiences and improving operational efficiency. 

By prioritizing flexibility and integration, Healthie aims to enhance the overall healthcare experience and support practices in delivering superior patient care.

Inside Healthie’s partner program: A new era of collaboration

Healthcare is too big of a problem to be solved by a single company. Through its Harbor, Healthie is empowering hundreds of third-party companies to build seamlessly into the EHR and patient experience, which is for the betterment of Healthcare outcomes. The implications, and benefits, of Healthie’s Harbor are far reaching - data access, last-mile solutions tailored to an individual clinician’s specialty of care & preferences, opportunities to truly provide personalized, longitudinal, and data-driven care, and much more. 

Healthie is following in the footsteps of Shopify, who through its app exchange has enabled millions of business owners to have all parts of their commerce stack connect with each other, providing win-win-win situations for all.

These third-party tools – as well as service partners – are showcased on The Harbor marketplace, facilitating  a dynamic ecosystem that benefits both Healthie’s customers and their partners.

“What we’re doing with our marketplace feels very innovative and forward-thinking compared to other EHR ecosystems. Partner Fleet has helped us deliver a modern and effective partner experience.” – Nick Neral, Director of Marketplace (The Harbor) at Healthie.

Why Partner Fleet? Healthie’s choice for an industry-leading marketplace

Healthie has a broad stated vision for its Harbor offering and in launching, sought to find a partner that would provide a partner-friendly, customer-friendly, scalable experience.

As a result, Healthie ran a full evaluation of software to support its program and explored many options - including other marketplace website builders and partner relationship management (PRM) tools — they found Partner Fleet’s platform to be the most aligned with their needs short-term, medium-term, and long-term. Partner Fleet’s specialized focus on supporting scaling B2B SaaS solutions and its ability to deliver a turnkey solution made it the best choice for Healthie’s marketplace.

What sets Partner Fleet apart: Healthie’s favorite features

Healthie has enjoyed leveraging Partner Fleet’s capability and believes that it has contributed to Healthie’s Marketplace success to date.

Healthie’s partnerships team appreciates the platform’s intuitive and customizable design, which allows them to tailor the marketplace to their specific needs. Check out the Harbor’s design:

The self-service scheduling for demos and the inclusion of data flow diagrams have made it easier for users to understand and engage with partner offerings. 

“One of the things I love about Partner Fleet is that, from a consumer experience, it's very self-serve. It's easy to schedule demos and learn more about our partners. As a consumer, that's what we expect when learning about products or companies.” – Nick Neral

Check out these content-rich partner listings:

Additionally, Partner Fleet’s tracking capabilities have provided valuable insights into customer interactions and integration connections, supporting Healthie’s efforts to onboard new partners and expand their ecosystem.

Healthie’s Marketplace creates win-win-win environment

Healthie’s Harbor facilitates a truly winning ecosystem - benefits for clinicians, harbor partners, and Healthie. Specifically: 

  • Clinicians: Clinicians can tap into Healthie’s full ecosystem to deliver last-mile, personalized solutions to their patients and leverage other partners to streamline & scale back office operations and reporting
  • Harbor Partners: Deliver a seamless, integrated solution with the EHR to deliver more value to clinicians and increase distribution
  • Healthie: Healthie’s team members are able to recommend and share Harbor pages to recommend offerings for its customers 

“The marketplace is crucial for showing our customers the partners we trust. It’s not just a directory; it helps our sales and success teams understand which partners can best support our customers’ needs,” says Nick.

Looking ahead: Healthie’s vision for the future

As Healthie looks to the future, they are focused on building on the success of their marketplace. Their plans include enhancing marketing strategies to drive even more traffic to partner profiles and integrating marketplace links into customer communications for greater visibility. Healthie is committed to expanding their partner ecosystem and leveraging Partner Fleet’s innovative solutions to continue delivering exceptional value. They are excited about the potential for further growth and are dedicated to exploring new opportunities to enhance their platform’s capabilities and support their partners.

Looking to drive measurable lead gen from your tech partners? Book a Partner Fleet demo.

Partner Fleet might be the right solution for you. Book a demo and we’ll walk you through our capabilities and discuss pricing. You could be on Partner Fleet’s marketplace platform as soon as next quarter! 

Ready to get started?
Book a demo today!