57 Valuable Integration Statistics You Need to Know in 2024

July 17, 2024
57 Valuable Integration Statistics You Need to Know in 2024

Integrations are growing in popularity, and they’ve never been more important than in 2024.

How you build integrations and tech partnerships now is likely to guide the future of your company for years to come.

Most tech companies know that integrations are useful, but do you know how valuable they really are? (Hint: more than you think.)

Check out these statistics on how integrations have driven success throughout companies – sales, marketing, and partnership teams.

Integration statistics for B2B software

84% of businesses say integrations are “very important” or a “key requirement” for their customers. – The State of SaaS Integrations Report by Partner Fleet, Paragon, and PartnerStack

Only 1% of SaaS businesses surveyed said integrations ARE NOT important for their customers. – The State of SaaS Integrations Report

Integrations are a #1 buyer consideration for customer service, marketing, sales & customer success software. – G2 2024 Buyer Behavior Report

Integrations are a #2 buyer consideration for accounting/finance, engineering, R&D, purchasing, HR & operations software. – G2 2024 Buyer Behavior Report

Globally, integrations are the #3 most important factor for buyers. Trust is the #1 factor and sales flexibility is #2. – Gartner 2023 Global Software Buying Trends

90% of B2B buyers either agree or strongly agree that a vendor’s ability to integrate with their existing technology significantly influences their decision to add them to the shortlist. –2024 B2B Tech Buyer Behavior report by InboxInsight

Businesses with 5 integrations are willing to pay 20% more for the same core product. This applies across business types, from SMBs to enterprises. – Profitwell Report

Inadequate technology integration is the #1 main barrier to investment in tech. – LXA’s Martech Report

Slightly over half (51%) of B2B buyers cited poor integration with their existing tech stack as a reason to explore new vendors. –2024 B2B Tech Buyer Behavior report by InboxInsight

25% of VPs and Executives cite missing or inadequate integrations as the biggest complaint about their current CRM solution. – Insightly’s report, Choosing the right CRM to align teams

Integration statistics for sales

Integrations are brought up in 60% of all sales deals. – The State of SaaS Integrations Report

62% of businesses say integrations are brought up in the sales process more than half the time.  – The State of SaaS Integrations Report

24% of businesses say integrations are brought up in 90+% of deals. – The State of SaaS Integrations Report

Tech partners helped sales reps drive 50% better conversions, from early stage to close/won. – Okta report on the benefits of tech partners

Tech partners drove 40% faster deal cycles, from early stage to close/won. – Okta report on the benefits of tech partners

Leads who came from tech partners resulted in 20%–50% larger deal size. – Okta report on the benefits of tech partners

Deals from tech partners were 60% less likely to churn. – Okta report on the benefit of tech partners part 2

67% of companies invest in integrations to improve close rates. – The State of SaaS Integrations Report

Improving sales close rates is the #1 reason companies invest in integrations. – The State of SaaS Integrations Report

Integrations statistics that show reduced churn

Customers with integrations enabled are 92% less likely to churn on average. – The State of SaaS Integrations Report

Integration users are 58% less likely to churn on average. – Crossbeam’s 2023 State of the Partner Ecosystem Report

Small companies (10–99 employees) reported that integrations prevented churn by 50–59%. Mid–sized companies (100–499 employees) reported the impact to be 70–79%. – Crossbeam’s 2023 State of the Partner Ecosystem Report

63% of companies invest in integrations to improve retention. – The State of SaaS Integrations Report

30% of businesses on average don’t track integrations’ impact on churn. – The State of SaaS Integrations Report

Integration statistics that show expansions and upsells

On average, integrations drive 35% of expansions and/or upsells. – The State of SaaS Integrations Report

Integration statistics for product teams

75% of businesses say it takes three months or longer to build an integration. – The State of SaaS Integrations Report

80% of businesses are building integrations in-house. 29% use an embedded iPaaS, 24% use a unified API, and 21% use an outsourced development partner. – The State of SaaS Integrations Report

The top three integration metrics currently being tracked are integration usage (71%), adoption (61%) and the impact of integrations on retention (47%). – The State of SaaS Integrations Report

Integration promotion & app marketplace statistics

56% of companies leverage in-app experiences to promote new integrations. – The State of SaaS Integrations Report

In-app notifications are the #1 way to promote integrations. Email and social media are the #2 and #3 ways. – The State of SaaS Integrations Report

For mid-market and enterprise companies (above 500 employees), over 80% of businesses use a marketplace to promote integrations. – The State of SaaS Integrations Report

60% of Shopify app installs come from customers searching the marketplace. – The State of Platforms Report 2024 by HubSpot, Partnership Leaders, and Canalys

Integration statistics for enterprise companies

50% of enterprise companies have more than 50 integrations. – The State of SaaS Integrations Report

For the majority of enterprise companies, more than 50% of their integrations are built by their partners. – The State of SaaS Integrations Report

The average number of apps in the 50 largest software companies’ marketplaces is 1,498. – The State of Platforms Report 2024

The median number of apps in the 50 largest software companies’ marketplaces is 357. – The State of Platforms Report 2024

Integration statistics for marketers

Integrations are the #1 and #2 most important reasons companies decide on a martech vendor. External integrations are the highest priority with internal integrations coming second. – CDP Institute’s State of Customer Data

Integrations are the #1 most commonly cited factor for marketers replacing a martech software. – MarTech.org’s Martech Replacement Survey 2022

52% of marketers described their martech stack as an integrated, multi–system architecture. – CDP Institute’s State of Customer Data

Marketers named system integrations as the #2 most important feature when implementing a martech stack. – Ascend2’s Martech Stack Optimization Strategies, Tactics, and Trends

71% of consumers are ready for integrated, ecosystem offerings. - McKinsey & Company analysis, IHS World Industry Service

The integrated network economy is estimated to reach 25% of the total economy by 2030. That equates to global revenues of $70 trillion. - McKinsey & Company analysis, IHS World Industry Service

According to Scott Brinker and Jason Baldwin, the five trends in marketing technology leading up to 2030 are:

  • “No Code” Citizen Creators
  • Platforms, Networks & Marketplaces
  • App Explosion
  • From Big Data to Big Ops
  • and Harmonizing Human + Machine

Integration statistics for partner software

Integration is the #1 most important factor for buyers purchasing partner technology. – HubSpot’s 2022 State of Partner Ops and Programs Report

74.2% of buyers report that a system's ability to integrate is either a very or extremely important consideration when buying partner technology. – HubSpot’s 2022 State of Partner Ops and Programs Report

Integration statistics – Company case studies

RollWorks customers with integrations are 30% more likely to renew their contracts. With 4+ integrations they’re 135% more likely to renew. – Crossbeam Case Study

HubSpot customers who use the RollWorks integration retain at 90%. – Hubspot Case study

Freshworks customers are 30% less likely to churn with at least one integration and 60–80% less likely to churn with 5+ integrations. – Crossbeam Case Study

Typeform customers with at least one integration rate have a 14% higher retention rate and 36% higher with 5+ integrations. – Tray Case Study

Typeform users with a Zapier integration are 40% less likely to churn. – Price Intelligently Case Study

Promote your integrations ecosystem

Integration partnerships are powerful. They can drive and scale revenue, assist in sales, and reduce churn.

Make your integrations work for you with an app marketplace.

Ready to get started?
Book a demo today!